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actin & Microtubule Dynamics Lab
Jessica Henty-Ridilla

Investigating the convergence of actin, microtubules, & biomolecular condensates in native and disease states

Actin (blue) & MTs (purple)

actin & microtubules

actin & Microtubule interactions

What mechanisms regulate actin, microtubules, & their interactions?


actin & microtubules (in vitro)

TIRF Microscopy & advanced imaging Tools

Simultaneous quantitative imaging of actin, microtubules, & regulators in up to four wavelengths


actin & biomolecular condensates


condensates, the cytoskeleton, & ALS

How do condensates & profilin influence the cytoskeleton in neurodegenerative diseases?

Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology | State University of New York | Upstate Medical University | 4273 Weiskotten Hall Addition 750 East Adams Street | Syracuse, NY 13210

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